1964-1972 Canadian Oldsmobile F-85 Master Parts Catalog

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Group 14.000 - Headlining / Trim Pads / Seat Backs - Illustration 2


Ill. No. Group No. Description
1 14.080 SPRING, front roof rail lock
2 14.080 LOCK & HANDLE ASSY., front roof rail (incl. Items 1-3)
3 14.080 HOOK, front roof rail lock handle (Comp. of Item 2)
4 14.080 BOLT, front roof rail handle & lock
5 14.080 STRIKER, lock
6 14.050 RAIL ASSY., front roof
7 14.650 LACE, front roof rail rear
8 14.090 SPACER, front roof rail center
9 14.060 WEATHERSTRIP ASSY., front roof rail
10 14.060 FASTENER, front roof rail weatherstrip
11 N.L. SCREW, roof rail weatherstrip to rail
12 14.130 BOW ASSY., front
13 14.130 SPACER, front bow
14 14.155 SCREW, front bow to rail
15 14.155 SCREW, side roof front rail hinge set
16 14.130 RETAINER, front bow material
17 N.L. SCREW, front bow material retainer
18 14.102 CABLE ASSY., material hold down
19 N.L. SCREW, material hold down cable
20 14.215 BOW ASSY., center
21 14.100 RAIL ASSY., side roof front and center
22 14.155 BOLT, control link to rear rail
23 14.160 BUSHING, control link to rear rail
24 14.162 WASHER, control link to rear rail
25 N.L. NUT, control link to rear rail
26 14.155 BOLT, center rail to rear rail
27 14.160 BUSHING, center rail to rear rail
28 14 162 WASHER, center rail to rear rail
29 N.L. NUT, center rail to rear rail
30 14.155 BOLT, center rail to male hinge
31 14.160 BUSHING, center rail to male hinge
32 14.162 WASHER, center rail to male hinge spring
33 N.L. WASHER, center rail to male hinge flat
34 14.157 NUT, center rail to male hinge
35 14.340 BOW ASSY., rear
Ill. No. Group No. Description
36 14.155 BOLT, rear bow control link to male hinge
37 N.L. WASHER, rear bow control link to male hinge
38 14.160 BUSHING, rear bow control link to male hinge
39 14.155 BOLT, rear bow to rear rail
40 N.L. WASHER, rear bow to real rail
41 14.160 BUSHING, rear bow to rear rail
42 14.157 NUT, rear bow to rear rail
43 14.170 RAIL ASSY., side roof rear
44 14.155 BOLT, rear rail to male hinge
45 14.162 WASHER, rear rail to male hinge
46 14.160 BUSHING, rear rail to male hinge
47 14.157 NUT, rear rail to male hinge
48 14.310 HINGE ASSY., male
49 14.155 BOLT, male hinge to mounting support
50 14.120 WEATHERSTRIP ASSY., side roof rail front
51 14.190 WEATHERSTRIP ASSY., side roof rail center
52 14.260 WEATHERSTRIP ASSY., side roof rail rear
53 14.481 MOTOR & PUMP ASSY., hydraulic (See Motor and Pump Illustration for Components)
54 14.472 HOSE ASSY., pump to bottom of lift
56 14.472 HOSE ASSY., pump to top of lift
56 14.475 LIFT ASSY., hydraulic
57 14.160 BUSHING, hydraulic lift to male hinge
58 14 162 WASHER, hydraulic lift to rear rail
59 14.160 BUSHING, hydraulic lift to rear rail
60 14.155 BOLT, lift to male hinge
61 14.155 BOLT, lift to male hinge shoulder
62 14.155 BOLT, lift to rear rail
63 14.157 NUT, lift to rear rail
64 12.946 TRIMSTICK, quarter belt rail front
65 12.946 TRIMSTICK, quarter belt rail rear
66 N. L. NUT, front rail lock handle
67 N. L. FILLER, trimstick to panel
68 N. L. SCREW, trimstick



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